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Civil War
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| 18.03.2015, 02:41 |
1. More men died in the Civil War than any other American conflict, and two-thirds of the dead perished from disease.
2. The Civil War took place in over 10,000 places from New Mexico to Vermont. At the Battle of Cold Harbor in 1864 a shocking 7,000 Americans fell in 20-minutes of fighting!!! General Grant said of the battle in his memoirs, “I have always regretted that the last assault at Cold Harbor was ever made. ... No advantage whatever was gained to compensate for the heavy loss we sustained.”
3. One of every 65 Federals and 1 of every 45 Confederates were killed in action.d
4. The Civil War is also known as "The Boy's War"
5. The youngest soldier in the Civil War was a 9-year-old boy from Mississippi. The oldest was an 80-year-old from Iowa. More than 10,000 soldiers serving in the Union Army were under 18 years old.
6. A Civil War soldier’s chance of surviving the war was about 1 in 4.
7. The average Civil War solder was 5’8” tall and weighed 143 pounds. He was 23 years old
8. In the North, more than 1/3 of all men of military age served in the war. For the South, it was nearly 2/3.
9. Horses and other draft animals had about a 7-month life expectancy during the Civil War. As many as 300,000 horses died. More than 3,000 horses were killed at Gettysburg alone.
10. Fighting took place on each day of the war, which lasted approximately 1,396 days, from 1861 to 1865. Nearly 10,455 military “events” took place during the war.
11. Most Civil War soldiers marched 15 to 20 miles a day.
12. The Civil War was the first war to be immediately reported in the press. The first photographs were taken at the Battle of Antietam.
13. The Civil War was known by more than 25 names, including “The Brothers War,” “The War to Suppress Yankee Arrogance,” “The War for the Union,” and “The War of the Rebellion
14. Of the 3 million soldiers in the Civil War, 1% were regular army, 9% were draftees or substitutes, and the rest were volunteers.
15. Although both the North and South did not allow women in the army, it is estimated that 250-400 women fought disguised as men
16. To prevent escape at Camp Douglas in Chicago, prisoners were not allowed to wear clothes. Even blankets were taken away. Many Confederates froze to death
17. Poet Walt Whitman was a nurse in the Civil War
18. The North expected to win because 1) they had more men to fight (22 million people in the North versus 7 million white people in the South), 2) there were more factories in the North to make guns and bullets, and 3) the North had more railroads for transporting guns and supplies
19. In 1860, two states had more slaves than free people: Mississippi and South Carolina.
20. The Civil War lasted 48 months. The 13th Amendment consists of 48 words.
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